Thursday, January 15, 2009


Hello all,

I still think a blog would be fun and a good learning experience for me. Probably noone else will read this except a few people.

What do you think?



  1. Well I'll read it if you are going to say something. So make another post and say something in it.

    I think you should give Carla editing power on your blog. That would be amusing. We could find out more about your friends the Fredericksons.

  2. Hello you bloggers the more blogs the merrier. Winter sucks.

  3. Well you are right - adding Carla could be amusing. However it would also be dangerous. I should copy the entire letter here. Other news - the shower is on but earlier at 3 PM. Kathleen isn't feeling well and in my opinion she should postpone it.

    I was waiting on hold with Pat and Mike's Medicare Part D insurance company in my office so I was just scrolling through old bookmarks on that computer. I found the old Fox News blog and to try again. I waited on hold for 45 minutes and no one ever came on. Their website wasn't working either. At least I got something accomlished - this. I'm sure you're all impressed with my radar and blog list.

  4. I am impressed. I also think you should post the Frederickson's letter. They are such nice people! Everyone should get to know them.

    I am offended that you would think that allowing me to edit would be dangerous. But delighted that you noted it would be amusing.

  5. You really should let Carla edit, because right now, your blog is dull. Make it more interesting please.

  6. You'll just have to be patient. I don't see much on your blog.

  7. Well, let's post some pictures. I have many of Nora doing the splits and many of Girls' Nights Out but not any of the time we got thrown out of Kit Kat Club, due to Katie Helt first sneaking into the dancer's dressing room and then pissing off the bartender who just happened to be the owner. For some odd reason he got pissed at me too. Could it be my associations?
