Saturday, January 24, 2009

I'm so busy...

I've decided not to use this phrase or variations of it anymore. Of course, I might forget sometimes. I'm tired of using it myself and listening to so many people giving the same answer to the question, How are you?

I'm in the process now of trying to make life simpler and less hectic (see I didn't say it). I've been taking stock of the various volunteer commitments I've made and tried to whittle them down to those that give me the most satisfaction and pleasure. This does exclude Pioneer's Gold Rush as I feel some obligation to work on this. At least the committee is made up of some pretty nice people. This will be my last year as co-chair though.

At the same time I've joined a couple of social groups, a small group (with no name) from church and an environmental book club. Both meet once a month but at least there is no obligation to attend. The church group is a pretty eclectic group of eleven. We've only met three times and one of those was on a very snowy night so most did not attend (including me). A few of the members I knew fairly well but most are just acquaintances. So far we've mostly been getting to know each other better. I went to the book club for the first time last Thursday. We read The Transition Handbook: From Oil Dependancy to Local Resiliance. Here's a website describing the Transition Culture.

Well that's about it for now. I will now attempt to add some pictures. You will note that I've added a picture on my profile now. I'm feeling quite proud of the fact that I found a picture on my memory stick (not too many pics of me as I take most of them) that I thought looked pretty good. I was holding one of the twins when they were newborns but this is about me not them so I cropped it.
The one on the top is our new goat , Hudson and Poppleton (Hudson is the white one). As it was below zero this am when I took the pic it's not the best. The other one is from Christmas Eve this year. As you can see from their smiling faces my granddaughters are thrilled to be sitting with me.


  1. I am trying to do some of the same things. Work does get in the way though. Here's to being less busy and enjoying life more.

  2. Today I watched another episode of Brideshead Revisited. I plan to watch another one tonight at 9 when Doug goes to bed.

  3. Very nice Margaret. You are a terrific role model and I'm glad that you're blogging your life. I will visit often. - Katie
