Sunday, February 8, 2009

I could be ironing...

... but instead I decided this was much more fun. It's important that we share and preserve the memories of the many bizarre, funny, creative and depraved things we've done for our children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews before we get too old to remember. I have to credit Carla and her thread on her Facebook page about being bitten by monkeys with this idea for a blog in a lighter vein. So here goes -

Remember when some of us had a girl's weekend in Chicago? Julie, Nora and I along with Joe, the neurosurgeon from Nova Scotia, (not sure how he got involved with a girl's weekend) went to Excalibur. There we were on the top floor leaning over the railing, minding our own business shooting bugs into bimbo's cleavage when a bouncer had the audacity to threaten us with expulsion just when our aim was getting better.

Anyway, please feel free to share. Here's a few words to jog your memory.

Dick's Last Resort

KitKat Club


ditches of Itasca


Pink Cadillac and busdrivers

Orange cones and Irish Fest


  1. Love those memories and you are right they must be preserved. One of fondest memories was dancing on tables at Dicks Last Resort and being lifted off by a huge bouncer. I have never felt so light in my whole life. I felt like Tinkerbell! By the way I still have not grown up and did the splits in a bar last night. I was at a party for someone turning 30 and had to prove I was still young despite my grey hair.

  2. Well, let's post some pictures. I have many of Nora doing the splits and many of Girls' Nights Out but not any of the time we got thrown out of Kit Kat Club, due to Katie Helt first sneaking into the dancer's dressing room and then pissing off the bartender who just happened to be the owner. For some odd reason he got pissed at me too. Could it be my associations?

  3. It's a shame that I could not be a part of those early GNO's although I have a feeling we would be have kicked out of many more places.

    I do remember you coming home, Mom, from one of your weekends in the city and showing your videos to me and Dad. This was from the weekend when you guys crashed a bachelorette party. I remember you making me close my eyes, but I peeked and saw Nora's tongue on a banana that was oddly sticking upright from a vanilla cake...

  4. Nora don't we have a picture of you doing the splitz in the frozen meat case of a Southern Illinois grocery store?

    I remember being kicked out of KitKat - we had other places to see that night. (Right?)

    The stupid orange cones were in my garage for three years. I think I snuck them back to a neighborhood construction site to be rid of them. We'll steal something else again real soon.

  5. I remember when Leslie and I stole a Santa from a stage at a dance club. I believe Tracy held off the bouncer and Nora was involved somehow as well. The Santa traveled around for quite some time only appearing at summer parties. When we moved back to Barrington from New Jersey we had a housewarming party. The lit Santa was lowered from the upstairs balcony by his cord. I was amazed that our new neighbors who shared our duplex actually came to like us.
